Sunday, May 23, 2010


Es increible. Mi ultima fin de semana aqui.

Yesterday, my friends (Rachel & Meredith) and I had a blast at the waterfall. We rode motos out to the waterfall entrance, over rocky roads and through wading puddles. When we got there, it was chilly and about to storm, with a large group already there, from a nearby ranch(o). We got in, and it was f-f-f-freezing! The water was high, and I couldn't swim underneath the fall because of the force; I loved the dip I took though. PB&J's on the shore never tasted better.

Dominicanos often swim in their underwear, and that's exactly what was happening all around us; men, young and old, were swimming in nothing but their undies. It's unavoidable, really. I'll let you create your own mental picture.

I got absolutely soaked walking back in the downpour of rain that started shortly after our departure from the falls--and enjoyed every minute of it.

After a brief time at home, I headed to school to help pack food for the incoming group. Some of the high schoolers were there hosting a facial clinic to raise money for their senior trip. I was impressed; there was even an ultra-violet machine you stuck your head into to see all of the things you didn't want to know existed on your face. While that was going on, Shelly, Jonathan, and I packed up food into tupperware bins and coolers for the Texans to take up to the mountain this week. Packing was finished shortly after arrival.

Then, I headed home and took a nap; really, I lied down on the sofa to read. That quickly became a nap, with sheer exhaustion and the steady sound of rain falling creating the perfect nap environment.

While I was sleeping, I heard a voice in my dreams (or so I thought) calling, "Maddie" in a Dominican accent (Mah-Dee, Mah-Dee). I awoke startled, realizing I was not dreaming at all. Gio, my friend and taxi driver, was at the gate. He came over to visit and check in on me; he's one of my dear friends I'll miss the most. That list of friends is quite long.

Shortly after he left, I heard a clank on the gate. The neighbor from across the street, an eleven year-old named Karina, was returning my roommate's hair straightener. She came in for a bit and sat with me; I offered her water, and we did a little bit of chatting. It's not odd for Dominicans to sit together and stare at each other, even though there's nothing to say. Social cues are sometimes quite different than ones I'm using to experiencing. So, we sat and stared at each other for some of that time.

Then, Shelly came to pick me up, equipped with an extra pair of rain-pants for me to put on, and took me to their house for dinner; off into the night we went. It was surreal being at Shelly and Jonathan's, looking out over the lit Jarabaco, underneath the dark and rainy, night sky. I remembered the first time I had that view -- my first night here. I can't believe time has almost come and gone. They said it seemed like I'd been here for the entire school year rather than a few months, and I agree. My heart feels as if it's been here for ages. We had a delicious bean soup with a well-paired curried-butter grilled cheese. Conversation was cheerful, and the mood was just right. My favorite activity additions to the night were feeding moths to their "pet" lizard, Timothy, and watching Jonathan make homemade peanut butter--then trying it.

Next, we rode off to meet the Tyler, Texas work team just arriving to the Villas. Krista's parents, Carol Ann and Gary, are in this group, and it was a pleasure to meet the whole gang. I have to say it's quite a different group than I'm used to: Texan good ole' boys with lots of construction knowledge and even more of a Southern accent. I guess that's good prep for going home.


The work team (First Baptist Church_Tyler, TX), Wallaces, and I headed out to the monastery for church this morning. I was so excited because I hadn't been out there yet, and man, was it worth it. There was an absolutely breathtaking view, pristine landscaping, and a gorgeous church to complete the picture. I felt like I had entered another world. The service was without translation, and I loved every minute of observing the monks, joining in chants when I could, and breathing in the aromatic air.

Afterward, we had a prized time of sharing monk bread, chocolate (drink), and cafe together while learning about the monastery and a monk's daily routine. Truly un bendicion.

When we got back to the Villas, we loaded up and headed over to the school for catered lunch. I loved getting to know the team briefly, before they had to head out to the cafe farm where they'll spend the week.

I've spent the afternoon inside at our apartment, enjoying the sound of rain and getting things "done" before the week starts. God is good to bring us rest and allow us to enjoy His presence and beauty on the Sabbath.

May your week, and especially each individual day, be blessed. To Him be the glory. Amen.

  • Tennesseeans adjusting and recuperating from the flooding.
  • the terrible oil spill and its affect on the Gulf area, now spreading to the Keys...God protect our waters and its inhabitants, along with all of the people nearby who depend on those waters daily
  • continued preparation for my heart in the transition of going home, most especially what happens when I get there:
  • a job--He will provide
  • interactions with friends and family
  • a church community--and community in general
  • My last week here
  • my friends who are preparing to start their lives together as married couples:
  • Jesse & Drew, Lauren & Chris, Joye & Parker, Jess & Trevor, Katie & Reed, Adrienne & Robert...
  • my friends who have started their lives as married couples:
  • MaryGene & Andrew, Jennigray & Chris, Ashleigh & Chase, David & Mary Kathleen...
  • For God to reveal to me whether or not a certain dream on my heart at the moment is His dream for me to pursue and how to take actions in that, if it is

Saturday, May 22, 2010

rainy days

streets quiet
except for the occasional zoom
legs feel like weights
walking back to my apartment
sopping and dripping
water in my eyelashes
on my nose
He and I are alone
no one else around
motos gone
at least for now
few stragglers about
hiding under the trees
and under roofs
waiting for the peet, pat, tap, teep
to stop

my heart
on the other hand
beats with joy
and peace
me and Him

Friday, May 21, 2010

Lowcountry Rhythms. tap, rap, tap.

OH how my heart pines for the Lowcountry.

Seriously. It's beating pretty fast for this place I call "home", for now. No, I'm not wishing to go back just yet, but it is impossible to diminish my love.

Check out the Vineyard Vines recent spread about our beautiful city (Charleston, South Carolina) and its equally beautiful dwellers.

Also, I was browsing on a design site recently--as I love to spend my downtime--and stumbled upon this write-up about the Holy City.

How can you not agree with these sentiments?? What's not to love? Dogs, coolers, sun rays, water, outdoor enthusiasm, festivals, history, beautifully crafted architecture, music...

Ok, on with it. Life here has been amazing, as usual.

This week, Math Madness has been a blast and non-stop. Kids have painted themselves, chalked the sidewalks, and thrown water-balloons at teachers. There have been costumes and games. Singing and shouting. Running, jumping, and dancing.

Tomorrow, off to the waterfall.

THANK YOU, God for blessings. Many, many blessings.

Love to you!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

11 days. where has time gone?

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. -John 16:33

Waterfall trip --
Saturday, we took a last minute trip to the waterfall once the rain stopped. Eric and Troy picked up Amanda (one of my new roommates); her sister, Hanna; y yo, on their motorcycles. I LOVE that drive. We didn't climb to the top; rain had been heavy, so we decided to hang around the lower waterfall after a short hike.

We had a blast jumping off rocks into the water and sliding down the waterfall. I got a lesson (or refresher) on rock skipping, and I challenged my ever-present fear of heights by jumping off the taller of the two rocks. SO much fun.

Night in Santiago --
Two cars, packed with people, headed off to Santiago Saturday night where we had a fun night at the outdoor mall: dinner at Burger King and a showing of Iron Man II. WOW. A Whopper never tasted so good. As always, my laugh (accompanied by Hanna's) overtook the theatre. I swear, they write those parts to be funny. Am I the only one cheesy enough to find the written humor funny?

Election weekend --
This weekend, I expected things to get fights, real drama out on the streets for all to see. I saw none of the sort. The alcohol ban during the day and the supposed road blocks must have done the trick. The only things really out of the ordinary were more people crowding street sidewalks and corners along with longer and louder car horns through the night.

Temporary stranger --
Sunday, we got a ride home from friends while walking back from church. (Thank you.) Becky, one of the Doulos parents, had just gotten a temporary residence card of sorts. On the back it said in large letters, "NO VOTA." You can understand that Spanish. Then, it said beside that temporary stranger, except in Spanish. As she said, they don't care if things are politically correct here.

Friends heading out --
Miss Erin, my lovely pregnant mom-to-be of a friend, is back in Ohio with her family. Julie Anne, a friend who worked for Anija and who shared Bible study with me, headed out this morning. Amanda and her sister Hanna left for the week; Amanda will return next Monday night. Whitney is getting ready to leave this Friday to celebrate her birthday at home with her family in Tuscaloosa, AL for about a week. Jess and Kymberlee, my old roomies, are also back at home. Times, they are a-changin'.

Wearing many different hats --
This week, that is what I am doing -- for sure. I'm substituting for Amanda's English class periods, hosting Art Club, doing a Pre-K art project, at some point helping prep for the work team a bit, reading to Ciara's 5th grade class briefly, and then helping out with Math Madness various activities. I LOVE variety. This is the epitome of variety.

to the good Lord for providing me a stellar roommate and apartment to return to at home. I am living with my good friend, Brittany Barrett, and we are going to find ourselves living in the "perfect" apartment she has picked out. I am SO grateful not to have to worry about all of that when I get home, but God has already set it up for me.

Favorite song --
Este semana, I can't get enough of Van Morrison's "Glad Tidings".

Prayer request --
That job I need.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Prayers Appreciated

I would greatly appreciate your prayers for continued healing.

Bacteria has taken over my intestines. Yuck. Really, that's how I've felt lately. Also, I thought I had a stress fracture on my right heel; that might not be so. However, there is still a bit of discomfort when I use that appendage.

Today was my first day back at school this week, and I am on the mend. (Praise you, Lord.)

While I was compiling material for a HS English grammar test, I stumbled upon some fun music history trivia in one of the grammar books. Therefore, I will share these gems. Enjoy.

In 1956, John Lennon met Paul McCartney. They worked together to improve their playing; then, they formed a band with others and named themselves The Quarrymen, which was named after their high school. In 1960, they changed their name to The Beatles.

Ravi Shankar is a classical Indian musician who taught the famous George Harrison, who as we know was a member of "that thar band" The Beatles.

George Clinton (heck yes) is the mastermind behind the two greatest funkbands--Parliament & Funkadelic--both gospel, doo-wop, and jazz-influenced bands; as you may know, these bands are more dance-oriented than rock-focused.

Pete Seeger is known as America's tuning fork and was the greatest folksinger. He loved other talented musicians like Woody Guthrie and Leadbelly.

Bob Marley and Bunny Wailer were the founders of Bob Marley & The Wailers (yes, please); other reggae band greats include Third World and Toots and the Maytals. Bob's children--Ziggy Marley and siblings--started their own band called Melody Makers. Marley died in 1981 and lives on as the reggae great of all time. Reggae Sunsplash Festival is (obviously) a reggae festival that began in Jamaica and then went worldwide celebrating and sharing this gift of a genre.

Finally, a gamelan is the word for a Bali orchestra, which I one day want to see.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wide Awake

I want to share some things with you that are intimate and honest. I hope through reading this, your heart is also shaken in an intimate and honest way.

I have been scared to come home. God has been doing big, big things in my life here. I come home May 29, which is now twenty days away. I'm not really sure where the time has gone, but I know that God has been good in making every day count.

This morning, I listened to a sermon entitled "What's your name?" from Mosaic's service last week. I have felt selfish and cold this past week, a bit distant from the Spirit; where are you Holy one? He is always there, but I can stray from Him easily. It is up to us to choose God daily.

I have been broken this week physically as well and decided to stay home from church this morning, to have some alone time with God without distraction and fully rest in Him.

In the sermon, Deut. 5, the 3rd commandment was dissected. "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord, your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name." Three ways we misuse or abuse the Lord's name were shared.

In the conclusion of the sermon, 2 Philippians was read. Before hearing it, I had prayed to have Christ's attitude this morning because I haven't had any attitude but sour. In confession, I have been selfish, critical, judgmental, fearful of the future -- a true worrier, lately. I have been absorbed more in myself than loving Him and others first.

In talking about God's holy name, the thing that broke me most this morning was how we represent Christ as Christians. When people know me or even meet me for the first time, and I
say I'm a Christian, do they know I'm serious about Christ? No one will take Christians for real, unless we take God for real -- and it shows. Does my life following Christ represent the weightiness, intensity, rescue, and true grace of Christ? Do people feel those things when I say I'm a Christian, and they know or see how I live??

What in the world does this have to do with me going home and having fear trying to root itself there? Everything.

I have been fearful in what's ahead because going home requires more boldness than staying. I was awakened to that truth while listening to the sermon and talking to God this morning.

I am returning to a life full of choices, more apparent worldly desires, and people who knew me as the Maddie before I let God work and change me throughout my time here. God will continue to change me at home; He is omnipresent. He will never leave me, and He goes before and behind me, and each of you. There is also no truth present, whatsoever, in my fear that is trying to stand firm where instead peace should be.

Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

He will strengthen me in weakness, when faced with temptation, when I feel alone. He will uphold me and help me. Romans 8:31 "If God is for us, who can be against us?"

I want people to know I am a Christ follower. I want people to feel the weightiness, intensity, rescue, and grace of Christ when I say the word "Christian" referring to myself. When I go home, that will take continued boldness and courage to follow Him in a landmine of daily difficulties.

To anyone who is offended, taken aback, or even saddened by this, good. I hope you are challenged yourself to what the word "Christian" truly means. Please hear me humbly say that I am worthless, but Christ died for me. I have no strength, but He is my strength. I am imperfect, but in His eyes I am beautiful and whole. I am not perfect in striving to live for Christ, whatsoever. However, life for Christ is not light, simple, or even easy.

We are in this battle together, as one united in Christ. My fellow brothers and sisters, let us live today for Christ, losing ourselves not to the world but to Him. Are you bringing glory to His kingdom by calling yourself a Christian? I want to, and He will give us the boldness we need if we truly seek His desires for us. Know Him. He is Everlasting. Be overjoyed, knowing it does not depend on us, yet He wants to use us.

"May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal convenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen." Hebrews 13:21 -- My friends, we are already equipped for doing his will. Praise Him.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Water's Out

Saturday - May 8...Move-Out, Move-In Day

First, tomorrow's Mother's Day. To all you mothers,
To my sweet mom, a wonderful lady -- I love you and wish you the BEST, most restful
Mother's Day yet!

Whit[ney] helped me move out of Maria's yesterday. It was a hysterical move. I threw everything that wasn't yet packed into grocery bags and one huge trash bag. Yes, I've accumulated that much extra since being here. Looks like I'm leaving lots behind.

Here, as you well know by now, there's always something. We got blocked in by a moto and a truck when it was time to go. The truck driver was standing outside of the cab drinking his Presidente, chilling while we were obviously trying to leave the dead end street with nowhere to back up or turn around. I love everyday adventure. Something I'll greatly miss.

We moved my stuff in, but not really. I threw it in my room and spent the night with Amanda. Today starts the unpacking adventure, that I've been putting off all day.

We woke up this morning, and the water was out. Melanie's boyfriend filled up buckets from the cistern downstairs, and we'll be using that until Wednesday most likely. The people moved out downstairs, and of course there 220 v. powered our 110 v. water tank. Since it hasn't been paid, there's no energy force behind our water tank now. We will be "making do" without water pumping until Wednesday. It is Saturday.

Life is meant to have adventure and challenge. Hope you feel some in your life!

MUCH LOVE -- Happy weekend to you!

P.S. I feel free in my new apt. Give a jump and a yell. Yeehaw!